Use Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist sure pass guide dumps to pass Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist actual test

Use Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist sure pass guide dumps to pass Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist actual test

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BCMTMS Reliable Source, Real BCMTMS Exams

All these three NBMTM BCMTMS exam questions formats are easy to use and compatible with all devices, operating systems, and browsers. You can install and run these three BCMTMS exam practice test questions easily and start NBMTM BCMTMS Exam Preparation without wasting further time. The BCMTMS exam practice questions will ace your Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist BCMTMS exam preparation and prepare you for the final BCMTMS exam.

NBMTM Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist Sample Questions (Q60-Q65):

During the course of a targeted medication review for a patient who has asthma, the pharmacist discovers a poor response to a recently increased dose of inhaled corticosteroids which has cause excessive use of rescue with a B2-agonist Upon further investigation, the pharmacist identifies a causal gene variant reported in the patient's recent pharmacogenomics test results variation in which of the following genes would MOST likely have caused an altered response to an inhaled corticosteroid?

  • A. CFTR
  • B. G6PO
  • C. FCER2
  • D. TPMT

Answer: B

A 49-year-ow male patient who has moderate rheumatoid arthritis has experienced an inadequate response to methotrexate treatment Switching to which non-biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug could increase the patients risk of a gastro intestinal perforation?

  • A. Tofacitinib
  • B. Leflunomide
  • C. Golimumab
  • D. Etanercept

Answer: C

A patient who presents at the MTM clinic is 7-weeKs pregnant The patients past medical history includes hypertension, hypothyroidism, asthma, and GERD. and her medication profile includes:
* lisinopril 10mg daily
* levothyroxine 75ncg daily
* famotidine 20mg daily
* budesonide nebulizer 0 25mg b id
Which counseling point is most appropriate to address with the patient during this MTM session?

  • A. Discontinue levothyroxine and change to methimazole.
  • B. Discontinue famotidine and change to pantoprazole
  • C. Discontinue lisinopril and change to nifedipine.
  • D. Ensure Tdap. influenza, andMMR vaccinations are current

Answer: C

For a patient who has uncomplicated major depressive disorder and no contraindications, which class of antidepressants would TYPICALLY be recommended as first-line therapy?

  • A. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • B. Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors
  • C. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • D. Tricyclic antidepressants

Answer: A

A patient with a history of hypertension and Design prostatic hyperplasia presents with complaints of nasal congestion. Which medication would be most appropriate to recommend?

  • A. Cetirizine
  • B. Fluticasone nasal spray
  • C. Pseudoephedrine
  • D. Acetaminophen

Answer: B


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